jeudi 19 décembre 2013

#3 |Florent's Comics Strips.

I apologies guys, I haven't posted any look or video this week because we are in the process of going by to France and after being New York for some times, I can tell you that it is quite emotional for us so we trying to visit and to go into our favorite place as much as possible before going back.
Unfortunately the weather has been really bad so I don't have the mental energy to take off my coat to show you my OOTD but do not worry guys because as soon as I'm back I have some good quality stuff coming your way. 
In the meantime I will let you enjoy this comics.

Je vous prie de m'excuser mes chers lecteurs pour ce manque de post évident cette semaine car je dois vous dire que mon voyage à New York touche  sa fin et que je préparais mon retour. Ceci étant dit le temps plus qu'hivernale ne m'a pas motivé à vous montrer ce que je portais en dessous de ma doudoune. Cependant voici le strip de Florent qui vous fera rire et patienté jusqu'à mon prochain article.
Love from ParisianTaste and Focube.